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By Erik McNair profile image Erik McNair
1 min read

3D Imagery for E-commerce is a Gamechanger

During the WWDC 2021 keynote, Apple showed off their new Object Capture API. This new API provides a simple and cost-effective way to create 3-D models from simply taking photos with an iPhone or iPad. While there will likely be many applications that will come from this, the big one we see is with e-commerce.

Why E-commerce?

Product imagery is always one of the things that is lacking on a small business e-commerce website. The reason is that it is quite labor intensive to create quality product imagery. Usually this work is reserved to professional photographers and graphic design artists to create high quality product imagery. What Object Capture makes possible is the ability to create an application that will make creating 3D product imagery simple and painless for small businesses.

We Are Building a 3D Product Imagery Creation Tool!

After reviewing Apple’s new tools and APIs, we are starting the development process on an app to provide this functionality to our clients. If you are interested in hearing more and would like to be a part of the beta process, please join the beta email list below:

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By Erik McNair profile image Erik McNair
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