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By Erik McNair profile image Erik McNair
2 min read

Time to Revamp that Manufacturing Website!

This is the Time to Build Your Manufacturing Business Website

Now is the time to build that new website for your manufacturing business. Don’t believe us, read on to see why investing into a manufacturing website design could be a huge win for your manufacturing company.

The Future of Trade Shows is Uncertain

Trade shows have been postponed and cancelled throughout 2020 due to COVID-19 and 2021 doesn’t look any more promising. While the push to get back into trade shows may happen in the near future, the damage may already be done to the companies that support and facilitate the trade show industry. The exhibit builders and other related businesses have seen their revenue essentially disappear overnight and the jobs are not coming any time soon. Those businesses continue to struggle throughout 2021. Other problem is that the materials used to build those exhibits (and building materials in general) are seeing crazy price hikes due to lack of supply to meet the residential market demand. The cost to exhibit at a trade show could be cost prohibitive and not see the return on the investment necessary to make attending a trade show worth it.

Traditional Marketing Methods are Becoming Less Effective

Catalogs and other trade publications have been one of the go-to marketing methods for many manufacturing businesses. As with the rest of the business world, print marketing is becoming less and less relevant as other methods like search advertising and social media marketing continue to prove their cost effectiveness compared to print costs. Any digital marketing method is dependent on a high performance website. Even if you continue continue to market through trade publications, utilizing your website as a part of that trade publication will help increase engagement with your business.

Search Engine Optimization Could Bring In New Business

Manufacturing websites provide companies the ability to be visible in search engines like Google. This provides your business with access to businesses looking for new suppliers and vendors to work with. We have seen this growth in businesses looking for new manufacturing partners has increased over the last few years, especially since the lockdowns and the consumer spending boost that has strained so many traditional supply chains.

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By Erik McNair profile image Erik McNair
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