Dark mode has gained popularity across major operating systems, allowing users to easily switch between color settings. While this feature might seem simple, designing with dark mode in mind can be quite complex. In this post, we’ll discuss our approach to incorporating dark mode in branding and design, how it enhances website accessibility, and how we bring this sought-after feature to our clients’ websites and apps.
Dark Mode: More Than Just a Black Background
Contrary to popular belief, implementing dark mode isn’t as simple as changing the background to black. A good example of this can be seen in McNair Media’s dark mode setting, where we use a dark gray that complements the orange and yellow colors of our brand.
Dark Mode and Website Accessibility
One major benefit of dark mode is its potential to improve website accessibility. For individuals with visual impairments, photosensitivity, or simply a preference for lower light settings, dark mode can provide a more comfortable browsing experience. By offering dark mode as an option on your site, you’re making your content more accessible to a wider range of users.
The Challenge of Dark Mode
Users may wonder why it takes time for apps and websites to implement dark mode. However, when trying to apply a company logo to a different colored background, business owners often realize the limitations of their design. Dark mode can expose issues within the existing branding design, making its implementation a complete redesign of a business’s branding assets.
Bring Dark Mode to Your Site!
We offer several options for website owners interested in implementing dark mode on their site. Our custom web design solutions and competitive website platform through McNair Media can help you enhance your site’s accessibility and user experience with this popular feature.