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Enterprise App Development with Progressive Web Apps

    The use of enterprise applications has become essential for businesses to streamline their operations and stay competitive in the market. However, developing and managing enterprise applications, particularly with mobile apps is a complex and challenging process that requires a comprehensive strategy and expertise in the field of software development. That’s where enterprise app development strategy consulting comes into play and how companies like McNair Media can help.

    What is Enterprise App Development Strategy Consulting?

    Enterprise app development strategy consulting is a specialized service that helps businesses plan, design, and develop their internal applications to achieve their business objectives. The primary objective of this service is to ensure that the enterprise application aligns with the business’s goals, processes, and culture while delivering a seamless user experience. The consulting service also provides businesses with recommendations on the best technology, architecture, and tools to use for app development.

    PWAs Drive Down Costs

    With the emergence of progressive web apps, businesses can now manage and deploy their internal applications with ease. A progressive web app (PWA) is a web-based application that is built using the latest web technologies to deliver a native app-like experience on any device. PWAs are designed to work seamlessly on any device, regardless of the platform or operating system. They are also designed to work offline, which means users can access the app even when they don’t have an internet connection.

    The benefits of using PWAs for enterprise app development are numerous. Firstly, PWAs are cost-effective to develop and maintain compared to native apps, which require separate development efforts for each platform. Secondly, PWAs are faster to develop and deploy than native apps, which means businesses can get their internal applications to market faster. Thirdly, PWAs are easier to update and manage, which means businesses can quickly roll out new features and bug fixes without disrupting their operations.

    Steps to Developing an Enterprise App

    To develop a successful enterprise app using a PWA, businesses need to follow a comprehensive development strategy that includes the following steps:

    • Define the app’s objectives: The first step is to define the app’s objectives, including the business processes it will support, the features it will include, and the target audience.
    • Choose the right technology: The next step is to choose the right technology for app development. This includes selecting the appropriate development framework, programming language, and tools.
    • Develop a minimum viable product (MVP): Once the technology is selected, businesses need to develop an MVP that includes the core features of the app. This allows businesses to test the app’s usability and gather feedback from users before investing in full-scale development.
    • Design the user interface: The user interface is a critical component of any enterprise app, and it needs to be intuitive, user-friendly, and consistent across all devices. Businesses should invest in professional UI/UX design to ensure that the app meets the user’s needs and preferences.
    • Test and optimize: Once the app is developed, it needs to be tested extensively to identify any bugs or issues. Businesses should also optimize the app’s performance and speed to ensure that it delivers a seamless user experience.
    • Deploy and maintain: After testing and optimization, the app is ready to be deployed. Businesses need to have a plan for app maintenance, including regular updates and bug fixes to ensure that the app continues to meet the business’s needs.

    Pick a Partner to Help You Along the Way

    McNair Media can help businesses with app development consulting, ensuring that the app aligns with the business’s goals and objectives. The agency’s experienced developers can guide businesses on the best technology, architecture, and tools to use for app development, ensuring that the app is cost-effective to develop and maintain, and is scalable for future growth.

    Once the app is developed, McNair Media can also provide businesses with a comprehensive build-out and deployment plan, ensuring that the app is tested extensively and optimized for performance and speed. The agency’s designers can also ensure that the app’s user interface is intuitive, user-friendly, and consistent across all devices, delivering a seamless user experience.

    McNair Media can help businesses market their enterprise web app effectively, ensuring that it reaches the target audience and achieves the desired business outcomes. The agency’s marketing experts can help businesses with app store optimization, social media marketing, and other digital marketing strategies to increase app downloads and user engagement.

    Partnering with a app development consulting company like McNair Media can help businesses with enterprise app development consulting, build-out, and deployment. The agency can provide businesses with the expertise and resources needed to develop and deploy a successful enterprise web app that accomplishes the goals that the business needs to achieve.

    Ready to Get Started? Let’s Talk!


    Erik McNair

    Erik McNair is a digital marketing professional living in Arlington, OH. As co-owner of McNair Media, he has focused on developing and executing SEO and marketing strategies in a manner that supports the client’s consistent business growth and enhances brand equity and awareness. He attended and graduated from Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville GA with a degree in Mass Communications with a concentration in Telecommunications. He’s a certified Google Adwords, Google Analytics, and Bing Ads marketing professional. Outside of marketing, Mr. McNair is an avid technologist. He’s always running the latest software betas and testing out new and exciting products. He occasionally writes about thoughts on technology, but his main focus has been on growing and establishing McNair Media.