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The Hidden Chains of Web Platforms: Selective Censorship, Algorithmic Monetization, and Loss of Control

    The rapid growth of the internet has brought forth an array of social media platforms, content management systems, and subscription services. These platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Substack, and Medium, are designed to connect users and facilitate the sharing of content across the globe. While they often promote themselves as champions of free speech and freedom of expression, their true motivations may be more sinister. This blog post will explore how these web platforms are actively trying to control users and push them away from investing in their own websites or self-hosted platforms, ultimately stripping away their rights and freedoms.

    An Illusion of Free Speech

    One of the most enticing aspects of web platforms is the promise of free speech and the opportunity for anyone to have a voice. However, this is often an illusion, as the terms and conditions of these platforms allow them to censor content or ban users at their discretion. While they claim to protect the rights of users, they often silence voices that do not align with their interests or the interests of their advertisers.

    This selective censorship not only compromises the integrity of the platforms but also undermines the very principles of free speech that they claim to uphold. Furthermore, by controlling the content and discourse, these platforms effectively mold the opinions and beliefs of their users, creating a homogenized and manipulated narrative.

    Ownership and Control

    By encouraging users to utilize their platforms, these companies are actively discouraging investment in self-hosted websites or platforms where users have full control over their content. This can be likened to the situation with home rentals or homeownership under the jurisdiction of a homeowners’ association (HOA). In both cases, the resident is stripped of their rights and privileges, with little recourse to protect their interests.

    When users create content on these platforms, they are not the true owners of their work. Instead, the platform retains the rights to their content, allowing them to profit from it while the user’s control is diminished. This often leaves users vulnerable to sudden policy changes or even the shutting down of their accounts without warning, leading to the potential loss of years of work and connections.

    Algorithmic Monetization

    Web platforms wield immense power through their control of algorithms. While users may believe these algorithms are designed to provide them with relevant and engaging content, the primary goal for platform owners is often to monetize and profit from user activity, even if it comes at the expense of the users themselves.

    Maximizing Advertising Revenue

    One way in which platform owners manipulate algorithms for monetization is by optimizing them for advertising revenue. By analyzing user data and tracking engagement patterns, these platforms can display targeted ads that are more likely to resonate with individual users. This not only allows them to charge higher rates to advertisers but also ensures that users are consistently exposed to ads, leading to increased revenue for the platform owners.

    This focus on advertising revenue often compromises the quality and diversity of content that users are exposed to. As the algorithms prioritize content that is more likely to generate ad revenue, users may find their feeds filled with clickbait articles, sensationalized headlines, and content designed to provoke an emotional response rather than to inform or educate.

    Exploiting User Data

    Platform owners also manipulate algorithms to maximize their profits by exploiting user data. As users engage with the platform, they generate vast amounts of data about their interests, behavior, and preferences. This data is then used to create personalized content feeds that keep users engaged and spending more time on the platform. The longer users stay on the platform, the more ads they are exposed to, and the more revenue the platform can generate.

    While personalized content can sometimes enhance the user experience, it often comes at the expense of privacy and autonomy. By collecting and analyzing user data, platform owners not only profit from users’ personal information but also exert control over the content they see, subtly shaping their opinions, beliefs, and consumption habits.

    In-Platform Monetization

    Another aspect of algorithmic monetization is the promotion of in-platform purchases and subscriptions. Many web platforms now offer premium services, exclusive content, or virtual goods that can be purchased by users. The algorithms are often designed to push these products and services, highlighting them in user feeds and promoting content that encourages users to spend money within the platform.

    This focus on in-platform monetization can lead to a skewed content landscape, where users are constantly bombarded with promotional material and upselling tactics, often at the expense of genuine, high-quality content. As platform owners prioritize their financial interests, users may find themselves in an environment that encourages consumerism and superficial engagement rather than fostering meaningful connections and valuable content sharing.

    Financial Incentives

    The financial incentives of these web platforms are a driving force behind their push for control. By keeping users on their platforms, they can maximize their advertising revenue, data collection, and user engagement. In contrast, self-hosted platforms or websites do not generate the same profit for these companies, as users retain control over their content and advertising.

    This financial motivation leads these platforms to prioritize their profits over the rights and freedoms of their users. They are constantly refining their algorithms and policies to keep users engaged and dependent on their services, all while collecting valuable user data for targeted marketing purposes.

    The Path to True Freedom

    To truly embrace freedom and regain control over their online presence, users must consider building their own website and investing in their own online real estate. By doing so, they can create the content they truly want, without being subjected to the whims of web platforms and their restrictive policies. Owning a website offers the advantage of complete control over the content, design, and monetization, allowing users to express themselves freely and build a personal brand that aligns with their values and goals.

    Overcoming Misconceptions

    A common misconception is that building your own platform means it’s hard to get exposure. While it may be more challenging to some extent, social media platforms often create the illusion that getting engagement or views is easy. However, this perception is not entirely accurate. Even with what appears to be tons of engagement and views, the translation to actual monetary benefits is often limited.

    In reality, building an audience and gaining exposure for your self-hosted website may require more strategic and deliberate efforts, such as search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and targeted advertising. However, these efforts can yield more meaningful and sustainable results, as they are not subject to the ever-changing algorithms and policies of web platforms.

    It is essential to remember that engagement on social media platforms does not always equate to tangible benefits. In many cases, these engagements do not translate into increased revenue, brand recognition, or long-term growth. By investing time and resources into building a self-hosted platform, users can focus on cultivating a loyal audience and creating value for themselves and their followers, resulting in more meaningful and lasting success.

    Let’s Get Working on Your Website!

    While web platforms like social media, Substack, and Medium may seem like attractive options for content creation and sharing, it is crucial for users to recognize the control and limitations that come with relying on these platforms. From the illusion of free speech to algorithmic manipulation and financial incentives, these platforms actively seek to control users and strip away their rights and freedoms.

    To truly embrace freedom of expression and regain control over their online presence, users must consider building their own websites and investing in their own online real estate. Though it may be more challenging to gain exposure initially, the long-term benefits of having complete control over content, design, and monetization far outweigh the perceived conveniences of using web platforms. By making the effort to establish a self-hosted platform, users can create content they truly believe in, cultivate a loyal audience, and achieve meaningful, lasting success. This is where McNair Media comes in.

    McNair Media is a full-service digital marketing and web development agency dedicated to empowering businesses and users to break free from the limitations of web platforms and take control of their online presence. With a wealth of experience and a team of skilled professionals, McNair Media is uniquely positioned to help you create a custom website platform tailored to your specific needs and objectives.

    Our Services Include:

    • Website Design and Development: McNair Media will work closely with you to design and develop a user-friendly, visually appealing, and high-performing website that reflects your brand identity and values. Our team of skilled developers and designers will ensure your website is optimized for search engines, mobile devices, and user experience.
    • Content Strategy and Creation: Creating valuable and engaging content is crucial for the success of your self-hosted platform. McNair Media’s team of content creators and strategists will help you develop a content plan that aligns with your goals and connects with your target audience, ensuring a consistent flow of high-quality content that drives traffic and engagement.
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): To gain exposure and attract a loyal audience, your website needs to be easily discoverable by search engines. McNair Media’s SEO experts will optimize your website and content to improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers and followers to find you online.
    • Social Media and Digital Marketing: While the focus is on building your self-hosted platform, McNair Media understands the importance of utilizing social media and digital marketing channels to drive traffic to your website. Our team will create and execute targeted marketing campaigns that leverage the power of social media, email marketing, and online advertising to increase your online visibility and generate leads.
    • Ongoing Support and Maintenance: McNair Media’s commitment to your success doesn’t end with the launch of your website. We offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure your website remains up-to-date, secure, and optimized for performance, allowing you to focus on creating content and growing your business.

    By partnering with McNair Media, you can take the first steps towards true online freedom, empowering your business or personal brand to create the content you want, connect with your audience on your own terms, and achieve lasting success in the digital world. Don’t let web platforms control your narrative and limit your potential – choose McNair Media and unlock the full power of your online presence.


    Erik McNair

    Erik McNair is a digital marketing professional living in Arlington, OH. As co-owner of McNair Media, he has focused on developing and executing SEO and marketing strategies in a manner that supports the client’s consistent business growth and enhances brand equity and awareness. He attended and graduated from Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville GA with a degree in Mass Communications with a concentration in Telecommunications. He’s a certified Google Adwords, Google Analytics, and Bing Ads marketing professional. Outside of marketing, Mr. McNair is an avid technologist. He’s always running the latest software betas and testing out new and exciting products. He occasionally writes about thoughts on technology, but his main focus has been on growing and establishing McNair Media.